The internet has opened up the ability to reach nations that are not fully open to the gospel and regular radio & TV broadcast. WATV World Action Radio & TV network, our gospel station, reaches almost as many listeners in China and Russia as we do in the USA. I am amazed that over 80% of our listeners listen on their mobile unit through our "Apps". You can down load both the Kingdom Business Radio and Television network "App" and the WATV "App" at google play. Just search "WATV" and "KBBNETWORK" and install. Bring the "App" to your front page of your phone or pad and with one just click we will be on the air with you. God recently led me to turn our KBBN Kingdom Business Builders Network into a 24/7 teaching of the word "through the bible" format. Today's Kingdom Business Builders absolutely need the wisdom of God to build a business that will be both productive and protected for the future. People tell me that the power of the Word of God is changing everything. You will hear the Bible taught chapter by chapter through the new testament. I agree! God's word is "quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword"! Listening to the word of God systematically causes you to began to hear the voice "of the Spirit" and not listen to your mind, your soul or your feelings. By listening to God's Word you will discover who Jesus Christ is and who you are "in Him". You will be amazed that the entrance of the Word of God brings "Light". You will know how to make right decision, right choices. You will most of all discover how Jesus Christ is fully committed to your prosperity and purpose! I will never forget the time I was sitting at my desk and a call came from a New York broker that was offering me what he considered a buy of a lifetime in the market. While he was talking I was praying in the back of my mind for wisdom and direction. I just finally said, "I will call you back in a few minutes to give you my decision." I opened my bible to seek for wisdom and this verse was right in front of me.. Proverbs 23:5 "Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; They fly away like an eagle toward heaven." I called him back and told him my council had given the advice not to take advantage of his buy of a lifetime. I challenge you to give my radio network a try.. it is a 24/7 streaming broadcast through the bible teaching verse by verse. It just might give you a word in due season!
I often get saddened when I see how poorly most ministries do to get noticed on the internet. This fabulous tool is one of the greatest opportunities in our lifetime to take what God has given us and share it with the world. Why do most ministries, particularly churches, do so badly? Because they depend on volunteer people in the church to carry this. Many volunteers continue to make promises to keep things up to date, but often drop the ball. If communicating our message is the most important thing in our life to reach others, we should pay more attention to this wonderful tool. I will never stop being convinced that God has raised up the internet for end-time purposes. Satan, of course, has made his move and brought many undesirable elements online. But as a ministry leaders, we should take the time to learn as much as we can. That is why Action Evangelism utilizes, audio and video, blogs, social networks, online radio and television streaming networks 24/7, online distance learning Kingdom Life University, and overall management of our international network of 50 national directors in 19 nations. All of this has been built off the internet. I only mention these things to encourage you. I am not that different than anyone else. Just committed to keep digging and digging until I find the latest greatest internet tools for getting out "the message" God has given me such as my own personal RADIO station on which I teach through the entire New Testament chapter by chapter every 4 days. I want to encourage you to do the same. I will be holding a workshop soon that will help you. God has graciously given me some good tools that I can share with you. I want you to watch the below video that I just shot at a pastors meeting I spoke at this last Thursday here in Tampa, Florida. It shares a few of the secrets on how to get noticed on "google" the gold standard of SEO (search engine optimization). I will be listing the time, place and sign-up information before long concerning this coming "FREE" workshop. I want all my ministry friends to learn more on how to see God use this internet tool to help build their ministry. If you want to check out some of my web and internet sites and see what I am doing, please do so.
It was at the Christian Life Center of Dr. Jerry Bernard in San Diego. I had just finished teaching the "school of evangelism" equipping Jerry's church for an outreach in San Diego. We arrived downtown and the praise team set up their sound system and began to worship. The presence of God fell like rain! A long line of homeless had gathered to get some hot soup and sandwiches with clothing and other needed items. As the praise was lifting up Jesus, the spirit of high worship hit the plaza. People began coming to the platform giving witness to miraculous healings. First was a homeless lady pushing her grocery cart full of her possessions. She handed me her glasses thick as pop bottle bottoms and said, "Here take these I don't need them anymore, the cataracts fell off my eyes!". Next was a man well known on the streets for his palsy like twisted hands. He took the mike and said, "Many of you know me as I have lived on the streets many years, but look at my hands ... they are healed and straight! Jesus healed me." Another man took the mike and said, "I feel Jesus all over this place, He is here!" Yes, the presence of the Lord fell through simple worship. In God's presence is everything you need for healing, deliverance and salvation. Having done outreaches on the streets of San Francisco for almost 9 years, Seattle for 5 years and Tampa for a number of years, I have learned the power of praise and worship. Perhaps some of you have heard the true story that Dr. Jeremiah has given several times on his radio broadcast. He tells of the time I was leading worship at Union Square in San Francisco and over 1,000 radical marchers were coming our way and they sent their leader to tell how they were going to take over the park where we were going to do a worship rally in preparation for the homeless outreach the next day. I told him. "You are too late, someone else had already taken over the park!" "Who is that," he replied. I said the presence of Jesus. We began our worship immediately and the sound of the marchers got closer and closer. God literally sent His angels as a barrier of protection and when the radical marchers arrived they scattered in every direction. The police told me later they had never seen anything like it. They had been concerned the whole day about the trouble these marchers could bring to the city. God intervened through WORSHIP! Worship is warfare, it is healing, it is deliverance from every enemy! You can listen to 24/7 worship at our worship TV channel on WATV network Radio & Television network.